
The latest attempt from County Mayor Mario Di Gennaro to memorialize his legacy as the Monroe County Mayor is this 76 story "Di Gennaro Tower"
This piece of architectural ingeniousness is a design by Mayor Mario's cousin, and will be build by his nieces husband. The location for this project is going to be the Key West graveyard, Mayor Mario Di Gennaro believes that we can move the grave yard sites to new town because most of the family members of the deceased have left the Island anyway.
Mayor Morgan Mc Pherson of Key West is ecstatic about this idea and promptly handed a $150.00 check for a nights deposit on the honeymoon suite to Mayor Mario. The honeymoon suite named after famed Key West publicist Tom Oosterhoudt wil be named the "Oosterhoudt Honeymoon Suite" and will be designed after famed Las Vegas piano player Liberace. The 2700 square feet penthouse condo features a red heart shaped king size bed and pink Sicilian marble throughout.
The project will be funded by taxpayers money but the Mayor explains that the room tax revenue will pay back the tax payers as soon as possible.
The building will feature five swimming pools, sixteen restaurants, 12 tennis courts, and a rotating view deck where you can see Havana Cuba on a clear day.
Our customers here at the Coffee Plantation have mixed feelings in regards to the Mayors plan....
Is the Coffee Plantation for sale? I'm pretty sure I saw the property listed in a small ad in the Citizen...
Only to nice people....
Diane and I would love to see another couple taking the Coffee Plantation to the next level.
I would be there best customer...
Ahhh, if only we were in a position to buy it...
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