Thursday, February 02, 2006

Clean(ing) Key West

Bob (our Scribe) came in today and had this story: "I was driving over here on Simonton St.," he said, "and I noticed this guy crossing Fleming St. He had a big, clear plastic bag, and he was picking up trash along the street as he walked. As he turned in my direction, I noticed his t-shirt. It said, 'Volunteer to America', and underneath, 'Donations Accepted'.

"Wow, I thought. An entirely new approach to panhandling, and one that has real social utility."

Theo asked, "Did you give him a couple of bucks?"

"Ah, no", Bob answered. "I was in the car. But if I was walking, or on my bike, I certainly would have. At least he's doing something useful. I'm going to look for him again. He needs to have his picture taken, maybe even an interview."


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