Captain Outrageous

The Solares hill, (a local weekly newspaper) printed the words this morning that I have been looking for the whole week
It was so strange. It was outrageous.
Not only the life and sudden dead of Captain Outrageous (both powerful strange) but the New Orleans style funeral march that grew so gloriously into a street fest drawing at least 200 of his friends.
The Captain himself, who had an ego no less monstrous than yours or mine, would have been stunned to see such joyous lamentation.
What other local artist has dared to dream of such a send-off, let alone get one.
In [Captain Outrageous'] own words:
Life's journey is not
to arrive at the grave safely
in a well preserved form but
rather to skid sideways
totally worn out,shouting:
Holy shit what a ride!
Theo and Diane,
What always most impressed me about your coffeeshop was that of all the people on the island to call it their own, Captain Outrageous picked the Coffee Plantation. Seeing him here everyday or say, in the late afternoon, sharing witticism and - dare I say it - wisdom, was one of my favorite things about your place ever. Thanks for that always.
He is my favorite artist on Key West Island. I have known him since I came back in '01. And I want to thank you for being the kind of people he wanted to be around. You two are the best, and even better than you know.
Thoe and Diane,
Thank you for your great coffee shop and for this good website for sharing comments.
Key West has lost another Treasure with the passing of Captain Outrageous. I will miss my dear freind terribly.
"Golden Girl" Jean
Thanks for taking the great videos of the New Orleans Style Street Parade for Captain Outraegous. It was so great to see all the Captain's friends show up for a last farwell. He will be missed. Trumpet Bob & Lori
Look Close, Look Deep, Look to the man with his hands in the Captains Cold Empty Pockets for the Secret of the Cold Murder Mystery.
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