It's all good

The Coffee Plantation Team had the pressure of beating last years results when last year the team snatched the 3 place in the Team competition.
This year the team was represented by Victor on the Nails, Houseboat Rick on the Saw and Theo throwing the hammers, We started out great Victor got the nails in in just over 1 minute, Rick sawed the 4" by 4" in 12 seconds and Theo got 1 hammer in the hole..... And the crowed was roaring....

We took the opportunity after this great run to pose with the grand price. We as a team got ecstatic and calmed down our excitement with a couple of cold Heinekens.
When the other contenders entered the Nailbanging arena, our personal time records got scattered by the contractors elite of Key West. I could not believe that MY trophy got away from me...
And I kissed the damn thing....
A great event though, we all had a great time and thanks to payback promotions there was a nice check written to the Boys and Girls club of Key West.
Thanks Victor the banger and Rick the sawing giant for giving up your Sunday afternoon to defend the honors of the Coffee Plantation.
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