Nailbangers, Attention

The Second Annual Nailbangers Convention will take place on April 23 at Don's Place on Truman Avenue. This event, put together by Captain Rick Dostal of Payback Promotions, is a fund raiser for the Boys and Girls Club of Key West, and it's a load of fun. The events this year are nail banging (of course), hand sawing, and power sander races. It's open to any one, and teams are being formed by various groups, including one from us here at the Coffee Plantation. Our team last year was a trophy winner. This year we're aiming for first place in each event.

If you're in Key West, come and compete for fabulous prizes donated by local companies, or just come to watch and cheer on your favorite team -- or nail banger. The prizes are nice, but bragging rights are even better, especially if you're in the construction trades.
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