Thursday, May 17, 2007

Boccee PLAYOFF'S!!!!!......

For the first time in Key West, and the Southernmost Bocce League history, the young team of the Coffee Plantation the "Java Junkies" qualified them selves for a playoff position in the Southernmost Bocce Championship.

The team had a wild card game against the very strong "Free Beer" Captained by the famous blood thirsty "Doc Danny".

There was a powerful first game where our team played the ball like champs, crushing the "Free Beer" team with a 7 point spread. The game turned ugly, the "Free Beers" team took a quick revenge with a second game win.

The night ended with a close game three and a victorious "Java Junkies" popping the champagne for there deserved 2-1 win.
Playoffs are set for the first weekend in June.
Save the date...
A large crowed is expected, plan ahead.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Our finest coffee available on line.

This is Chad.

Chad works as a digital designer above the Coffee Plantation here in Key West and can't live without his few cups of coffee a day. Chad is one of our biggest House Brew fans.

Our Costa Rican Reserve House Brew coffee bean comes from the Tres Rios region, which has a long tradition of producing high quality coffee. It is SHB (Strictly Hard Bean) which indicates coffee grown above an altitude of 3900 feet.

You'll find this to be a "bright" coffee, high in acidity, medium in body, wonderfully aromatic, and rich in its own unique flavor with a sharp distinctive finish. A heat-sealed valve bag will ensure the freshest coffee. We ship within 24 hours of placing your order.

And now, where ever you may be, you too can enjoy Coffee Plantation's Costa Rican Reserve House Brew in the comfort of your own home. Enjoy!

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Cuba Libre?

Wouldn't it be nice if we could travel to Cuba, It's only 90 miles from Key West...
I would definitely go...
I would go there with somebody that knows half of all Havana people, like my friend Dennie Dinero.
Because he would put me up in a affordable "Casa Particular" with a wonderful Cuban Family.
He would probably also introduce me to a few of the locals and drive me to a few farmers that he probably knows.

Yeah that would be great...
I also would make a lot of pictures of those antique American Cars that are all over the City...

Or those Russian motorcycles...

I can't wait to point my camera to those beautiful and prestigious homes that are decorating the streets of Havana...

Yeah... That would be a great few days...
Maybe in the future...